Santiago East, Chile Mission

Santiago East, Chile Mission
January 16,2013

Week #35 Conferencia

Oh!!! you guys are all up in snowbird!! haha i about died when you said that you're going to put my face on finn hahah but now he is part of the family too!! haha. but, snowbird... ahhh i cant believe that it is already snowbird time and it has come and almost passed! i cannot believe how fast time goes!! it just blows my mind. as for the letters everyone wrote, thank you so much!!!! i don't know if they understand how much 5 lines mean to a missionary!!! I'm SO, SO excited to get them, thank you!! but it sounds like it was a good week for you guys, kyns farewell is in 3 weeks ¿WHAT? and things are just going to get crazy from there. good luck haha. I'm so glad that everything is coming through with you and dad and his work, and i love what you said that it is in the Lord's hands because it is so true, we can do the best we can and Heavenly Father will help us with the rest.

as for this week, for us it really was a great week watching conference... really, it was the highlight. i think it was the first time in my whole life i never wanted it to end! haha. i feel fully recharged and ready to kill it out here. i feel inspired and just ready to go. it's crazy to me how inspired all the conference talks are. i loved well, like all of them!! haha but i really like Uchdorf's talk about members and how things are going to happen.  people will offend us, but we need to remember what is most important and how Christ invited all to come back, and there is a place here in our church for everyone. i also liked, i don't remember who it was, but they said our church can be described in two words "GOD SPEAKS" and it is so true! Heavenly Father is here for us even when we don't think he is, well, he is he loves us and the love will always be there if we want it or not. and we now in this time have the ability to have communication with him and he will help us with whatever we need, even if we think it's the stupidest thing ever, nothing is stupid to him. Oh, also i loved how much they talked and dug into the help of the member and helping the missionaries, and it is so true!! we need the member's help we cannot do it alone. i love the goal they put on the families to find one reference for the missionaries by Christmas. i started to think if every member in my sector takes on that challenge, how many new investigators we can have!!

Oh i could go on and on, conference was just amazing. it was crazy, because i was thinking about it yesterday, and 1 year ago... 1 YEAR ago president monson changed the age, and 1 year ago i got down on my knees and asked if i needed to go on a  mission, i received the answer so strong in my heart that that is what i needed to do. 1 year ago that i called our bishop with kyn being the only one that knew!!! hahaha and told him i wanted to go, and from there started my papers, and now look where i am, Im in CHILE Santiago este as a missionary for my Heavenly Father, and i know without a doubt it was the best decision i have ever made in my life.

as for our sector, it is doing really good. i have just really noticed such a change in the people that we have been teaching, they're progressing! i have seen this in our a menos activo, and investigators. it was cool because this week we had a really strong, strong lesson with a menos activo called pedro. he is such a stubborn man... so stubborn, but i love him so much! we have a strong discussing about the church and why he has given up on it, he came up with whatever excuse, and it was incredible the things that came out of my mouth during that lesson, i told him, pedro, " one day it is only going to be you standing in front of God and Jesus and he is going to ask you, pedro how do you think you lived your life? do you think you are worthily to live in my presence?"  i then made him a promise that if he quits working on sundays and comes to church, he will see more blessing in his life, more then the extra 5 pesos they pay him to work sunday. ¿What? where the heck did that come from? i asked myself, and the spirit was so strong and incredible. then yesterday, on our way to conference, we ran into him on the bus and he told me he has just been repeating over and over again what i said and he told me that he is going to come back to church and has just been thinking over and over what we had said to him about the promises of going to church. and he said that he made the decision to come to church every sunday. i cant even explain how i felt in that moment, it was incredible. and how the spirit can work within you if you listen. and most important, don't be scared to say the things that need to be said.

we have a familia incompleto who have a date to get married and she wants to get baptized after the marriage. i have really see so many incredible changes here it blows my mind and the difference in the way hermana guevara works, and wants to work, and us working together. so different then hna vale. i love hna vale, but hermana guevara is more aggressive, which i like, and I'm learning a lot from her. but ya, we have also a cool experience the other day... we were planning for the week and we had an investigator, and i had no idea what we should teach her. i had no idea what she needed, so i asked my comp and she had no idea either. i then suggested that we kneel down and pray for the inspiration to know what she needs. we knelt down and gave a prayer, when we sat up the first thing that popped into my head was repentance... i then asked my comp. what do you think? she looked at me, repentance?? she ask questionably. a smile began to spread across my face, that was exactly what i thought... i told her. we then were looking through our scriptures and both found the same scripture to share. it was a testimony to me that Heavenly Father listens to us and he is here for us and to help inspire us in the simplest things, like what we need to teach. also, he knows his children so well and what they need to hear.

well sorry it was kinda a lot this week but ya it was a great week. i just feel so happy and full of life. i love chile and the people here, and I'm excited for the more adventures to come. thank you so much for all your support... i love you all so very much you have no idea. sometimes people don't understand what they have until they are far away from it. but you guys are the best!! have a great week. les extraño, y les amo mucho.

con mucho amor,
your lil missionary

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