Santiago East, Chile Mission

Santiago East, Chile Mission
January 16,2013

Getting Chile (Literally) Week #13

Well, Hola Everyone!!!

¿hum let's see what did we have happen this week? This week was all over the place, it went by so fast yet so slow... time is so weird here in the mission. But let's see… me and hna val had the craziest day jueves, she had to go and get her visa. Well let's just say it was living hell for her they wouldn't accepted her visa because she is Peruvian ( chileans hate peruvians…) so sad… so we had to go back and forth from the office of the mission to visa place then back again to the office then back again to the visa place then back again to the office. In the end, we ended up working everything out, but it was crazy... hna vale didn't really like it but I found it so fun and adventurous - new places to see and the craziness, believe it or not I needed that day!!! haha but ya, en la fin, we ended up talking 18 different metros and were gone from 5am to 5pm! So fun and I'm glad we worked everything out for her. Mum, I finally realized why I'm here in Chile!! Every time I visit a new place I feel like I'm in so many different parts of the world! New Zealand, Europe, Spain, Mexico - this place has everything and it is a huge city, and it is craziness which is good for me too! jaja but ya oh I met the Elder named Elder Gowdy and he is really good friends with the Mckeons, so tell them I say hi back!!! and I got their message from them and thank you!  jaja   Ok so Geradro, Geardo actually was the same investigator that was drinking that one day but we went and visited him jueves after our crazy day and had an amazing lesson, before our lesson though hna vale was like, if you feel the need to invite him to be baptized, do it but if you don't, do not do it. I asked how, but what if I don't know?? We need some kind of signal so you can tell me when to ask, and she said no, no you´ll be fine and if you don't feel it and I do, ill ask… so as you can imagine the whole lesson I'm thinking in my head ...ok now?... no... ok now?... aww now? ok now?… and I can't really understand everything he is saying because he is super flaite (ghetto) and doesn't have teeth..but then all of a sudden in the lesson I understood what was going on and he said "yo quiero Un corazon limpio" (I want a clean heart) and in that moment I felt my heart burn so strong and I knew I needed to invited him!  I looked over at hna vale and she slowly noded her head up and down, and I turned and looked him straight in the eyes and said Gerado "seguiara el ejemplo de jesucristo....a ser bautizado.." and him looked back and me and shook his head.... yes!! My mouth dropped like a cartoon character I wasn't expecting yes so quickly! And after that I couldn't understand him much again but I was so so happy! I cant even explain it! So we have our first bautizmo for the 19 de mayo but it might have to be pushed back later because he didn't come to church Sunday but I know, I know in time he really will get baptized it's just going to take a lot of pacients and time and teaching him like a little niño because he is completely changing his life from a life of drugs and drinking to nothing so it will definitely be a process but I know things will work out and if they don't, I just feel happy we were able to help him and his family in a time when they really needed it. Oh we are actually going to go bless their house tomorrow and bless their down syndrome boy who is very difficult for the family, so wish us luck and prayers are always needed!! jaja But ya, this week was really good and time is flying by so fast I cannot believe it will be Mayo and in 3 days and Chan is going to be 17 and Wow!!! things are going by fast!! well I love you all so so much and you all are always always in my prayers!
con todo mi amor,
your lil missionary

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